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10 Bad Habits

Academics who become administrators need to unlearn behaviors they embraced as faculty members, writes Robert J. Sternberg.

Go Native, Be Happy

Nate Kreuter writes about his frustrations with academics who look down on the communities where they teach.

Rx for Foot-in-Mouth Disease

What should you do when you feel like bursting the cartoon bubble over your colleague’s head? Or your own? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, Maria Shine Stewart prescribes.

The Missing Guidance

The best mentoring colleges could provide junior faculty members would be to offer clear guidelines for tenure and promotion, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Avoid Obvious Mistakes

Sitting on his first search committee in a while, Donald A. Coffin is shocked by all the ways candidates hurt their chances.

A Difficult Semester

Terri E. Givens considers how she and other academics cope when personal challenges become overwhelming.

Getting It Done

Fabio Rojas offers advice on how to finish a dissertation and maintain your sanity.

Booze and the Young Academic

Whether at holiday parties or job interview dinners, this is the time of year that grad students and junior professors end up with liquor and senior professors in the same room. Nate Kreuter offers advice.