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Academic Finance Demystified

Better understanding of how the money flows can help professors navigate their campuses' budget processes. Elizabeth H. Simmons offers a primer.

Teaching Student-Athletes

Nate Kreuter and Eric Dieter discuss the stereotypes and the practicalities.

Teaching Student-Athletes

I’m not sure that I would have graduated from high school if it hadn't been for wrestling and lacrosse. During...

Dissertation Limits

Karen Kelsky explores what the culmination of your graduate education does and doesn't do for you in a first job search.

When Words Can Fail

Outside the perimeter of life’s expected stresses lies the potential for traumatic stress. Maria Shine Stewart reflects as an anniversary approaches.

Priorities for Year One

Rob Weir suggests ways to avoid panic and confusion as you launch your career at a new institution.

Journal Submissions

Publishing one's own work is essential in most academic areas. While some fields continue to put a lot of weight...

The Frustration of Not Seeing

Professors don't always witness the fruits of their teaching, writes Nate Kreuter.