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Build Your Own Career Bootcamp

Graduate Student-led cooperative programs to help strengthen job application documents.

Cracking the Student Conference

A few tips and tricks for effective student conferences.

Learning Through Intentional Underqualification

Using your lack of knowledge to propel you into taking on new projects.

Thank You for Your Interest

Losing and gaining ground along the path to tenure-track.

Catastrophe-Proof Your Dissertation

On how taking a wholistic approach to writing a dissertation—from selecting a program and exploring LaTeX, to backing it all up—can help you prevent the worst from happening.

Is Now a Good Time?

Thoughts on alumni fundraising calls from the perspective of a graduate student.

The Grad Activist: Get Out the Vote

Tips and resources that will help you get out the vote on campus.

My Dissertation Go Bag

Keeping everything you need to write in one place so you can work anytime anywhere.