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Beyond Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down

The reviewer’s duty today: not to boost or judge or provoke, but to interpret, educate and elucidate.

Black Agency in the Creation of the Modern World

The Black Atlantic revolution in historical understanding.

How Eloquence Became a Thing of the Past

The death of eloquence, oratory and verbal expressiveness and how to reverse this troubling trend.

Distracted Minds

How the digital economy distracts us.

How to Engage Students in Difficult Conversations When Consensus Is Impossible

Strategies for fostering understanding, empathy and respect in academic discussions.

Unscripted Lives

Navigating life beyond traditional scripts.

The Walking Tour as Time Machine

Viewing Harlem at the nexus of geography, history, economics and politics, one step at a time.

The West of the Imagination

The Western’s enduring impact on American national identity.