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Local Mom Goes Gray Overnight

On Wednesday, my sixteen-year-old son went to his girlfriend’s house after school. Usually we expect him home for dinner on...

Math Geek Mom: Boarders and Helicopters

When graphing points on a number line, one can graph all points up to and including a point by using...

Motherhood After Tenure: the beauty of being busy

We've all heard the saying, "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it." Well, last fall...

ABC's and PhD's: Specializing

Some advice I remember from when I was little was “the earlier you can decide what you want to do...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Tiger Mothers and Drifting College Students

The two most e-mailed articles in my cohort last week seem to have been the “Tiger Mother” piece from the...

Diary of a Wimpy Mom

I have been thinking, and talking with other parents, a great deal about parenting styles in the wake of the...

Math Geek Mom: On Being Well Behaved

In economics, we sometimes describe economic activity as being able to be modeled by what we call a “well behaved...

Long Distance Mom: Speed Trap

The holiday vacation is for me, as for many academics, a time when I complete much-needed fieldwork for projects; in...