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Mothering at Mid-Career: Silence

I’ve had laryngitis since last Wednesday. Not just a little scratchy throat, a gravelly whisky voice, a sultry contralto—no, I’ve been pretty thoroughly silenced. For two days I had not even a throaty whisper—then I developed a little Kathleen Turner-esque huskiness that quickly turned back into silence when I tried to use it too much. I’ve had to cancel seven meetings, one class, and a planned trip to speak at another college. Every evening I’ve hoped I’d wake up able to speak, and every morning it’s been clear I can’t.

When People We Admire Do Things We Abhor

Melanie Klein, the originator of object relations theory, described early childhood relationships in terms of "splitting." (Bear in mind that what follows is a gross oversimplification.)

Math Geek Mom: Thankful Thoughts

Since I will not be writing for Inside Higher Ed this time next week, I thought I would take some time this week to reflect on some of the things I am thankful for at this time of the year. I am sure that everyone could add to such a list from their own lives.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Random Thoughts

This is a quick round-up post with one update, a couple of observations, and some links.

Yet More on Rape Culture on Campus

I have been to State College, PA, exactly once in my life, and then it was to visit friends in a Quaker retirement community there. I don't know anyone who currently attends Penn State.

Math Geek Mom: On Impossible Problems

I remember one occasion, in my first year of graduate school, when a classmate asked a question in class. I have no memory of what the question was, but I recall the professor’s answer vividly. He told her "that question cannot be asked."

Long Distance Mom: Deep Learning

Yesterday I was fortunate to listen to George Kuh, Indiana University, Bloomington professor and author of Student Success in College: Creating Conditions that Matter .

ABCs and PhDs: Toddler visit

Two weeks ago my brother (a recently unemployed PhD in molecular neuroscience, working hard to find a job in biotech)...