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Drill, Baby, Drill?

I like tigers. The animal, that is, not the human variety that has cropped up lately. Amy Chua’s book “...

Mater: De Facto et De Jure

“One baby, one book,” my adviser told me, when as an ambitious, twenty-three-year-old, Marshall Scholar at Cambridge University, I announced...

An Open University

What will the university of the future look like? If we are to believe Bill Gates, it will be open...

Is Changing Higher Ed Really Possible?

For all of my pie-in-the-sky musings about why you should blog, I have become increasingly troubled by a nagging feeling...

Lessons on Health and Well-Being for Academics

My university has one of the worst health records around. In the past five years, four colleagues and two staff...

Men Swagger, Women...?

Since I became an administrator, I have had a yearly performance evaluation. Over all, they have been positive, but I...

Our Wise Politicians

Do we need politicians with a serious academic background to increase the general quality of the public debates? Or, is...

Growing Up in Academia

I have friends who are well advanced in their (non-academic) careers—they are senior managers, higher-ups in government bureaucracies, established account...