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Bruce Lee: Thesis Director

Think you'll just die if you have to finish that thesis? Then die.

Metropoli as islands

Stories about how communities thrive in the resource-constrained environments that islands present may provide lessons about sustainability, but those lessons will need to be ported to the mainland if they're to have any significant global impact. Happily, sustainable mainland communities and sustainable island societies may have more in common than is immediately obvious.

Broadband, Broadband, Broadband

Susan Crawford's New York Times op-ed "How to Get America Online" states the case and makes a clear and convincing argument that the United States, beyond a shadow of doubt, must revisit, revise and advance its broadband policy.

But Wait! There’s More!

My Dad used to teach courses on advertising, which was how he justified his weird attention to commercials. He used to pick up on odd turns of phrase from locally produced ads -- anyone who lived in Rochester circa 1980 will remember those awful/great Hill T.V. ads, with Dick and Linda Hill -- or anything by Ronco. Three easy payments! But wait, there’s more! Now how much would you pay? If you act now...

Forgotten Segment of the Educational Pipeline

When parents, teachers, lawmakers and communities debate over which part of the American education system should receive the most scrutiny or support, adult education, specifically General Educational Development (GED), is rarely in contention. Conceptually adult education programs serve those who depart school without diplomas and are now seeking a credential to access the workforce or postsecondary opportunities.

How and when do you plan your academic year?

This is the time when most of us with an active social and professional life are about to plan in detail the benchmarks of the next 12 months, and evaluate what has been working and what needs improvement. Some do this by themselves, and others use professional coaching experts and consultants that can help evaluate successes and failures.

Bad Female Academic: Just Say No

Can I afford to say no in my position? Better question: Can I afford not to?

Print Media: Residential Education / Digital Media : Online Education

For years we have been print Newsweek subscribers. Now that Newsweek has abandoned print and gone to all digital I have abandoned Newsweek.