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And Now, For Those Of You That Have Been Working in Higher Ed For Awhile. . . .

Several weeks ago we opened a survey to gather input from people that are new to higher education. The responses are quite interesting – varied and interesting.

Breaking the Job Search Silence

Putting my money where my mouth is. Proverbial money. I'm contingent, after all.

Dean of Students Hosts a Reddit AMA

Posing questions on Twitter is a great way to discover things that you didn't know. For example, last week I tweeted out the following question: "Who are your favorite Deans of Students on Twitter?" In a short amount of time, I received a large number of responses. There will definitely be a post in the future that covers that particular question. However, for now, I wanted to share one of the responses that immediately caught my attention:

Chandrasekaran's "Little America"

If you read (or place in your syllabus) only one book this year about the U.S. war in Afghanistan, then Little America should be it.

Ginkgotree: Digital Course Packets Made Easier

A new startup launches today to help make it easier for professors to create digital course packets for their students.


... the University of Hawaii system; and UD has spent as little time as possible scrutinizing its zillion-dollar-and-rising-by-the-minute athletic deficit, its pilfering administrators, the shady politicians who oversee the joint, etc., etc.

Why American Students Can't Write: Responding to the Atlantic

The Atlantic is doing a month-long series on teaching and learning writing in primary and secondary schools. Naturally, I have some thoughts.

Baumol and Big Data

If you read only one book about higher education this year, read The Cost Disease, by William Baumol. It’s essential, brilliant, and even readable. And it answers an important question – why the costs of health care and education keep going up – more intelligently than anything else I’ve seen.