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Emory’s Misguided Choices

Emory’s decision to shut down several programs should not be so shocking as it represents the trend in US higher education to follow, not lead, American society. The decision reminds us that even established, prestigious institutions like Emory are not free from the influence of “the market”. Although Emory’s decision is understandable on practical grounds, this should set off alarms for educators everywhere.

Why Reducing Faculty Stress Should Be An Explicit Goal of Academic IT

I hope that you will be able to join us on Monday, 9/24 for a discussion of the IHE and Babson Survey Research Group's excellent report Digital Faculty: Professors and Technology, 2012.

Twelve Semesters

Starting this July, Pell grants have a new rule: any given student has a lifetime limit of twelve semesters. If you can’t finish your degree within twelve semesters, you’re on your own. The rule seemingly came out of nowhere, but it has major implications for community colleges.

Friday Afternoon News Dump

It's not just about "old" media versus "new" media; it's about who controls the narrative and when.

Scarcity and Blended Learning: Pushing Back on Saint Benedict

We learn in Kevin Kiley's 9/14/12 article "Bigger Picture, Smaller Numbers" that Saint Benedict’s president, MaryAnn Baenninger, has pursued a diminished enrollment / higher tuition / lower discount strategy rate to bring expenses in line with income.

Google Summer of Code Gives College Students Hands-On Experience with Open Source Projects

Google’s Summer of Code program gives college students hands-on experience (and a small stipend for) working on open source projects. I interviewed Eamon Ford, a junior at the University of Chicago, about his experiences with the program and why it offers a unique professional learning opportunity.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Off-Kilter

I passed another milestone of middle age last week: new eyeglasses with progressive lenses. And, as everyone told me, it’s taking me some time to adjust. So I’m feeling a little off-kilter as I begin the week.

Confusion in Queens

Several alert readers have sent me updates on the conflict going on at Queensborough Community College, part of the CUNY system in New York City. It’s perplexing on several levels.