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I blame cats and dogs

Well, maybe not the pets themselves. Maybe more their owners. Especially when it comes to dogs, because dogs can't help the fact that for millenia they've been bred for subservience. Cats, on the other hand, might have to take the rap themselves.

Virtual Community and Physical Space

Summer is the time when many faculty members vacate our shared campus space and retreat to home offices (or travel)...

How It Sounds

In a conversation a few days ago, some thoughtful faculty noted in passing that the state’s constant drumbeat about job placement and STEM fields -- two different things, btw -- was becoming a factor in faculty morale in the humanities and social sciences. They heard every invocation of college-as-personnel-office as an attack on what they do, and as a harbinger of even-more-diminished resources to come.

Good Strategy . . . and Not-So-Good Strategy

These past few months have been a bit of a reading frenzy.

Celebrating 'The End of Money'

Currency is truly an anachronism. We continue to hold on to our paper money and our coins because - well because why?

Vision and Decentralization

CUNY’s New Community College, in New York City, is attracting plenty of attention in higher ed circles. It’s an attempt to apply a panoply of best practices in raising graduation rates to a population that desperately needs it. Whether it becomes an exemplar of a new model, or withers on the vine as an expensive boutique project, remains to be seen.

How to remain productive over the summer

Summer is here, and for most of us it is also spelled as v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n: sunny days, ice cream, mint juleps, children at play, and long family evenings. But this is not all there is to it…