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3 Questions for Stanford’s Carissa Little

A conversation with an associate dean of global and online education.

The Central Role of the Study of Tragedy

To better prepare undergraduates for life’s complexities, place tragedy front and center in humanities classes.

Higher Education’s Forgotten Aim

The misguided priorities of the contemporary university.

Student Activism as a Catalyst for Institutional Reflection

How recent protests are redefining educational priorities, policies and practices.

A ‘Universities on Fire’–Inspired Reading List

A list of books and reviews on climate change and higher education.

A Time for Leaders, Not Managers

Some positive and negative examples in the real world.

Higher Education at a Crossroads

Will we allow a college education to become more stratified, transactional, and vocational, or will we push back and create a model that is more developmental and transformational?

Jackson Lears: The Scholar as Cultural Critic

Cultural critique as a model for humanistic study.