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Featured Gig: Managing Director of Online Education at UVA

Introducing a new series that attempts to spread the word about cool new digital/online learning jobs and alternative academic (alt-ac) opportunities.

Campus Conundrums

Critical reflections on some of higher ed’s hottest topics.

What’s Off Limits From AI?

Are we together on this, or is it just anything goes?

Three Questions on Academic Innovation for U-M’s Mike Daniel

A conversation with the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation senior director of policy and chief operating officer.

Anti-Colonialism and the College Curriculum

To address the legacies of slavery and colonialism, read Maryse Condé and Frantz Fanon now.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

How to fuse a more inclusive education for global citizenship with a genuine fluency with Western art, history and philosophy.

To Write a Book, Start a Blog

I didn’t necessarily believe it until I saw how well this works.