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Survey on student transfer finds both progress and finger pointing

Given the environment surrounding higher education and the workforce, it seems like this should be transfer's moment. Transferring from one...

Private Colleges Should Take Transfer Seriously

They are leaving students behind, writes Mat Marquez.

Known Unknowns

The impact of social distancing on the actual process and outcomes of research has not been carefully evaluated or even broadly acknowledged, write Peter Schiffer and Jay Walsh.

Selling Intellectual Heft

Allegheny College unveils a new marketing plan to position the college as a serious place to study.

The Week in Admissions News

Student loans flatten; home confinement for parent in admissions scandal; paying the bills; free tuition problems.

Justice Department Sues Yale

It says the university's affirmative action programs discriminate against Asian American and white applicants.

Diversifying AP

The College Board has made real progress, but more work needs to be done, writes Mark Carl Rom.

The Impact on Community Colleges

California's community colleges have open admissions, but study finds they have been affected by ban on affirmative action.