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Foreign Gift Investigations Expand and Intensify

With investigations of Harvard and Yale, Education Department steps up its inquiry into reporting of foreign gifts to universities -- and sends a message to other institutions.

The Church, Universities and Poland

Academics fear impact of Roman Catholic group on new free speech legislation.

Bonus for Inconclusive Research

German research institution seeks to "nudge the process."

Will Coronavirus Crisis Trigger an Enrollment Crisis?

U.S. colleges could see a major enrollment pipeline cut off this fall if the coronavirus epidemic persists. Meanwhile, Australian universities are missing more than half their Chinese students weeks before their fall semester begins.

New International Enrollments Climb at U.S. Grad Schools

Survey finds increases in international applications and first-time international enrollments at U.S. graduate schools last fall. But looking ahead to this fall, uncertainties abound.

Chinese Contract With German University Criticized

China can reduce or halt funding if any element of the program contravenes Chinese law.

Fighting for ESL

Loyola Chicago faculty group is pushing back against major cuts to its English language learning program, saying they've cost the university in dollars and quality.

Open Society University Network Launched With $1 Billion Gift

Bard College and Central European University will lead new network focused on a range of education, social, civic, human rights and environmental issues.