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Online Course Creation for Dummies

Developers at Penn State believe their new tool will make creating online courses easier than ever, even for the non-tech savvy.

Conference Preview: SOLA+R From UPCEA

Here's what you need to know before you arrive in D.C. next week for a conference geared toward online learning administrators.

The Audacity to Innovate: Pioneering an Online J.D. Program

Responding to the challenges they've faced, law schools are moving cautiously -- and boldly -- into digital education, writes Christopher P. Chapman.

Untapped Data: Enhancing Teaching and Learning, an 'Inside Higher Ed' Event

"Untapped Data: Enhancing Teaching and Learning" is the third event in Inside Higher Ed's 2018 Leadership Series. It will be...

Indian Regulator Approves Fully Online Degrees

The Indian government has for the first time given approval to highly ranked universities in the country to offer fully...

Forbes Enters the Online Learning Business (With Bridgepoint)

Forbes Media announced last week that it would begin offering dozens of self-paced online courses for aspiring professionals, through the...

British Columbia Institutions Add No-Cost Textbooks to Tuition-Free Program

Institutions in the Canadian province of British Columbia have since September 2017 offered a government-funded tuition-free certificate in adult basic...

The Pulse: Maria Andersen of Coursetune

This month's episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Maria Andersen, CEO and co-founder of Coursetune.