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This Week in Digital Learning News: WGU Ohio, OER in Hawaii, Digital Credentialing

Several articles on digital learning issues appeared on Inside Higher Ed this week. Among them: Western Governors University has established...

Hawaii Legislators Abandon Plan for Faculty Mandate on OER

Legislators rewrite bill that originally required use of freely accessible educational materials, amid criticism that legislation would have infringed academic freedom and harmed, not helped, the open-access movement.

This Week in Digital Learning News

Inside Higher Ed's coverage of digital learning this week explored these issues: Educause is buying the New Media Consortium, in...

Lessons Learned From a $75 Million Failed Experiment

Closure of Texas System's innovation arm shows that ed-tech start-ups need similar things -- including business models and faculty buy-in -- whether Silicon Valley or a university fund them.

Seeking Clearer Definitions in an Era of Confusion

As senators prepare to rewrite the Higher Education Act, leaders from seven institutions weigh in with proposed definitions for distance and correspondence education.

Confidence Crisis in Online Accessibility

Community colleges are increasingly unsure whether their online courses meet federal accessibility requirements, survey finds.

The Promise -- and Limits -- of Ed Tech

As we consider the use of technological tools in learning, let’s focus less on the what and more on the why and how, Jonathan Kaplan writes.

I Know How You Felt This Semester

New software aims to help instructors understand students better, but raises privacy and practicality concerns.