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Unwelcome Intervention?

Supporters of university libraries are worried by the Justice Department's unexpected interest in filing a brief in the battle over e-reserves.

Journal Archive Opens Up (Some)

After a successful pilot, JSTOR is launching its Register & Read program, which lets anyone read up to three articles from 1,200 of its journals every two weeks in exchange for demographic information.

The Customer Is Always Right

To measure and improve the quality of student services, Marymount University administrators enlisted students to act as mystery shoppers and critique its offices.

Assessing Campus Libraries

Survey says students are generally satisfied with campus libraries, although a significant minority view them as irrelevant to academic success.

Librarians or Baristas?

"Ask me" badges distributed at U. of Oxford raise hackles and draw questions as academics debate future of its library system.

Giving Digital Preservation a Backbone

At Educause, a pitch for a digital preservation project that will outlast individual institutions and companies.

Going Meta on the Data

You leave digital footprints when you do research. Scott McLemee listens to the librarians who follow them.

A Legal Sweep

With HathiTrust ruling, 'fair use' advocates in academe continue a legal winning streak that could have historic implications.