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Open-Access Best Sellers

As downloads of free scholarly books soar, what's getting read?

‘Big Deal’ Cancellations Gain Momentum

An increasing number of universities are ending, or threatening to end, bundled journal subscriptions with major publishers.

Fake News Forever!

When historians seek to understand historical matters, asks Gerald R. Beasley, where will they turn for information about the deleted accounts of fake news that may have influenced those events?

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

Moving thousands of scholarly treasures out of the fine arts library at UT Austin has faculty members riled. Should a maker space and other meeting areas replace the stacks?

A Revolt Over Journal Archives

British universities protest, and publisher drops plan for extra charges for articles more than 20 years old.

Educause Steps In to Save New Media Consortium

The consortium, which recently declared bankruptcy, may have found a white knight to continue the work of its Horizon Project.

Libraries and Librarians Aren't About to Disappear

A widely shared article declaring libraries and archives to be among the fastest-declining industries in America has been debunked.

ResearchGate Backs Down

The scholarly social media platform ResearchGate has reportedly started to take down large numbers of research papers shared in breach of copyright.