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A photo illustration with a screenshot of Inside Higher Ed’s latest survey, surrounded by images of Joe Biden, Donald Trump, a dollar bill, someone holding a bullhorn, an image of a robot surrounded by chat bubbles, and people with varied skin colors putting their hands together.

Annual Provosts’ Survey Shows Need for AI Policies, Worries Over Campus Speech

Many institutions are not yet prepared to help their faculty members and students navigate artificial intelligence. That’s just one of multiple findings from Inside Higher Ed’s annual survey of chief academic officers.

A robot hand is placed over a brown Bible with a cross on the cover.

Religious Institutions Embrace AI as an Educational Tool

Despite widespread concerns about AI among secular and nonsecular institutions, religious colleges are treating generative AI as a tool for lessons that go beyond academics and also focus on the whole person.

A screenshot of UCI MAPSS data training for personnel.

Creating a Data Culture Through Professional Development Training

The University of California, Irvine, created a certificate program to teach digital literacy skills to campus community members with the hope of improving student outcomes.

A group of students sit, all wearing virtual reality headsets. They are in a classroom and in a square formation with their desks.

Virtual Coffee, Ice Cream Shops Help Students Learn Business

Business schools are moving beyond case studies or site visits and utilizing virtual reality in classrooms to help students master supply chain management.


Preparing for Our New AI Workforce in Higher Education

The rapid development of Generative AI has opened the possibility of far more efficient and cost-effective use of technology to assume roles currently performed by people.

Ep. 110: Underemployment of College Graduates: How Concerned Should We Be?

Half of all graduates don’t work in jobs that require a bachelor’s degree. What can institutions do to best prepare their students for work?

Higher Education is Most Trusted Source to Handle AI

While the public remains cautious of artificial intelligence (AI), most trust higher education institutions to use AI responsibly, according to...
Robot hands fill out a sample college application

The (AI) Counselor Is in

AI-powered college advising tools promise to free up time-strapped counselors and “democratize” admissions expertise for less-privileged high schoolers. Will they?