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James Kvaal, a key player in the Obama administration's policies, who has called for tougher scrutiny of for-profit institutions, has been nominated to be the Biden administration's education under secretary.

Pandemic-Era Priorities

The University of Oregon's student government voted to end financial contributions, by way of student fees, to the athletics department. They want the money used instead to help students who are struggling financially.

Cornel West May Quit Harvard -- Again

Cornel West, Victor S. Thomas Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard University, says he is again considering leaving Harvard after it denied his request for tenure.

Fans Allowed at March Madness

A limited number of fans will be allowed to attend the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division I men’s and women’s...

Authorities Investigate Racist Attacks on CUNY Virtual Events

Zoombombers disrupted several diversity events at the City University of New York in recent weeks, prompting a police investigation. Events...

New Programs: Quantitative Biosciences and Engineering, Managing Disasters, Business, Human Clinical Nutrition, Business Analytics, Animatronics, Computer Science

Colorado School of Mines is starting a major in quantitative biosciences and engineering. Dickinson College is starting an online master's...

Building High-Quality Online Learning

" Building High-Quality Online Learning" is a new compilation of articles and essays from Inside Higher Ed. You may download...

Rhetorical Support Over Concrete Programs?

Most issued statements supporting Black Lives Matter, but only about half have a program to recruit Black students.