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Zoombombing Often an ‘Inside Job’

Research suggests that attackers who disrupted online classes often did so at the invitation and encouragement of students in those same classes -- which instructors need to know if they want to guard against noxious interruptions.

The Skinny on Teaching Evals and Bias

New analysis seeks to make sense of what's really going on with respect to gender and other kinds of bias and teaching evaluations. It offers suggestions for meaningful evaluations during COVID-19 and beyond.

The Singing Professor

Therí A. Pickens describes how becoming an online voice student during a pandemic helped her become a better teacher.

Reimagining Graduate Education for the New Normal

Why not allow students to take only the courses they need for the additional competency, asks Gillian R. Hayes, by offering modular and stackable degrees?

Effort Seeks to Support Rural Community College Students Seeking Jobs

Achieving the Dream, a nonprofit organization focused on community college student success, on Tuesday announced the first institutions participating in...

‘College Belonging’

Author discusses her new book on first-generation students and how they navigate college life.

Reports of Free Speech Violations Spiked During Pandemic

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, reported that during the pandemic it has been asked to help...

Indigenous and LGBTQ Students' Mental Health Most Hurt by Pandemic

Indigenous students reported the highest rates of negative mental health related to the pandemic compared to students in all other...