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Monitoring Employee Health Data

Your health is now more important than ever to your employer. In today's Academic Minute, part of Bentley University Week...

A ‘Fauci Effect’?

Students are showing more interest in health-related education. Experts say it's not just about Anthony Fauci.

A Fraught Balancing Act

Some college leaders quickly cracked down on students and faculty voicing support for rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol. Others walked a fine line between protecting free speech rights and tamping down incendiary language.

Little Legacy on Higher Ed -- Except Controversy

After a tumultuous four years, Betsy DeVos leaves her tenure as education secretary knowing much of what she did will be undone by the Biden administration.

Admissions Have and Have-Nots

Institutions with money and prestige are doing very well this year; those known for serving low-income students, not so much.

CDC Compares COVID-19 Rates in Counties With In-Person and Remote Classes

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released Friday, compared the rates of COVID-19 exposure in counties...

Biden to Extend Pause on Student Loan Payments

As expected, President-elect Joe Biden will, upon taking office Jan. 20, instruct the Education Department to continue the pause excusing...

How Much Colleges Will Get in Coronavirus Relief

Arizona State University will get the most aid of the $20.2 billion Congress is sending colleges and universities in the...