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Waiting for a Vaccine

Promising news about potential vaccine candidates brings a shred of hope to higher ed, but medical experts say “normal” is still several months away.

Academic Minute: Traumatic Memories

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Distinguished Academy Week, Todd C. Sacktor, Distinguished Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology...

Shelf Life

Scott McLemee reviews Bookishness: Loving Books in a Digital Age by Jessica Pressman.

Professor Pleaded Guilty to Hiding China Ties

A rheumatology professor who worked at Ohio State and Pennsylvania State Universities pleaded guilty to making false statements on federal...

Businessman Accused of Swindling University Hospitals Out of Millions

A Chicago businessman is accused of swindling two university hospitals out of millions of dollars after promising to provide personal...

Appeals Court Backs Harvard on Affirmative Action

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on Thursday backed Harvard University in a lawsuit over its admissions...

Nanotechnology -- Science With Social Responsibility

Nanoparticles in your favorite items could be doing you harm. In today's Academic Minute, part of SUNY Distinguished Academy Week...

Strength in Numbers

A group of new liberal arts college presidents of color has formed an alliance to collectively address issues of racial diversity, equity and inclusion on their campuses.