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Principles or Practices?

The model for hosting outside speakers is fundamentally flawed, argues Sarah Stroup, who offers ways to move beyond it.

COVID-19 Roundup: Michigan to Reduce Undergrads on Campus

Utah wants to test all students in the state weekly. Three Northeastern colleges transition classes or activities online. Maine reports case cluster affecting facilities employees. Two Midwestern colleges cut football seasons short.

Expert Analysis: Youth Voter Turnout Increased

Researchers estimate that youth voter turnout increased by at least five percentage points from the 2016 to 2020 presidential elections...

Academic Minute: Lifestyle Medicine and COVID-19

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Distinguished Academy Week, Richard M. Rosenfeld, distinguished professor and chairman of otolaryngology...

Survey on American Attitudes on the Humanities

Just over half (56 percent) of Americans agree strongly with the statement that “the humanities should be an important part...

Notre Dame Faculty Register Disappointment in President

The Faculty Senate at the University of Notre Dame voted by a 29 to 13 margin in favor of a...

The Week in Admissions News

SAT problems; young voters; Thanksgiving travel; “Relationship-Rich Education.”

Guilford Plans Layoffs of Tenured and Visiting Faculty

Guilford College, in North Carolina, plans to eliminate 30 percent of its full-time faculty positions and discontinue nearly half its...