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What's Wrong With This Year's IB Scores?

Students, parents and teachers are up in arms over the way the International Baccalaureate was scored this year. College spaces are at risk.

Athletic Adjustments

Pac-12 will only play other conference members. NESCAC cancels fall athletics. Carleton and U of Bridgeport won't play sports this fall. Nor will California community colleges.

Pandemic Hurts Student Mental Health

A new survey found students had difficulty accessing mental health care and experienced higher rates of depression after the pandemic began, prompting calls for a broad response from colleges.

Finding Future Presidents

Peter Eckel explores the ways the pandemic might take its toll on the search for talent at the top and what search committees and boards should do in response.

Why Scripps College Went Online-Only for the Fall

Amid a growing public health crisis, Scripps College's president walks through the process of deciding to hold an all-virtual fall semester. It comes at a cost.

More Crucial Than Ever

Today's climate demands the inclusion of ethnic studies throughout higher education, argues Elwood Watson, who disputes the naysayers' routine criticisms of the field.

Academic Minute: Porcelain

Today on the Academic Minute, Suzanne Marchand, professor of history at Louisiana State University, explores how some objects may have...

Paul Quinn Launches Accelerated Online Degree

Paul Quinn College is launching a fully online 36-month undergraduate degree in business administration and public policy designed to educate...