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Selling Intellectual Heft

Allegheny College unveils a new marketing plan to position the college as a serious place to study.

What Would a Second Term for Trump Mean?

There are Republican ideas to pursue, but most say they don't know what to expect -- except for more attacks on elite institutions.

Swapping Fall Break With ‘Surprise Break’

Research shows that student travel spreads COVID-19. Davidson College hopes a last-second break last week gave students a rest without spreading the virus.

The Week in Admissions News

Student loans flatten; home confinement for parent in admissions scandal; paying the bills; free tuition problems.

The Greatest Generation Redux?

The challenges before college students today match those of any generation, write Morton Schapiro and Barry Glassner, and they will need all the support older Americans can offer.

Justice Department Sues Yale

It says the university's affirmative action programs discriminate against Asian American and white applicants.

The Education Department’s Race to the Bottom

Its Orwellian reading of a university's statement on combating systemic racism is part of a broad effort to flip the national dialogue on race, history and education, argue David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler.

The Impact on Community Colleges

California's community colleges have open admissions, but study finds they have been affected by ban on affirmative action.