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Democrats Press Student Debt Cancellation

House Democrats are calling for at least $10,000 of each borrower's student debt to be canceled as part of the stimulus plan being negotiated in Congress.

Faculty Home Work

Remote work is proving difficult for many professors, given the circumstances and despite some early predictions to the contrary. What institutions are doing and can start doing to ease the pressure.

Funding, Admissions and Assessments

Everything you need to know about higher ed and the coronavirus for Tuesday and beyond in one easy-to-read package.

Benefits of Mentoring for Women Economists

A mentoring workshop to support women in research careers as economists appeared to have a positive impact, according to a...

Leadership and Community in Tumultuous Times

Susan Resneck Pierce advises presidents and boards on how they should respond to the myriad challenges and dislocations caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Academic Minute: Understanding Data Through Studying Economics

Today on the Academic Minute, part of George Fox University Week, Nate Peach, associate professor of economics, explores why economics...

‘On My Own’

Author discusses her new book on community college STEM transfer students -- and the challenges they face amid the coronavirus.

Notre Dame de Namur Not Accepting New Students

The third-oldest college in California does not plan to enroll any new students this summer or fall and is building...