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An Open Letter on Student Debt

Our students deserve better than the mess our lending policies have created, 73 scholars write.

Texas Southern Reaches Deal with Ousted President

Texas Southern University has reached a separation agreement with the president it voted to fire at the beginning of February...

Newly Tenured at… Carleton, Clarkson, Missouri State-West Plains

Carleton College Shaohua Guo, Chinese Jessica Keating, art history Alex Knodell, classics Anna Rafferty, computer science Prathi Seneviratne, economics Julia...

Religious Freedom

Americans are confused about religious freedom. In today's Academic Minute, Colgate University's Jenna Reinbold examines why this can have implications...

And Civics Literacy for All

Purdue's Mitch Daniels thinks civics knowledge should be a graduation requirement. Many faculty members agree.

White House to Promote Alternatives to the Degree

New Ad Council campaign will tout alternatives to the four-year degree. Led by CEOs of Apple and IBM, the project comes from a White House-convened task force on workforce policy.

More Scrutiny of Legacy Admissions

Michael Bloomberg's higher education plan and controversial remarks by Northwestern's president have renewed scrutiny of colleges giving children of alumni preferential treatment in admissions.

Colorado State Faculty Urge Cut in Athletic Spending

The Faculty Council at Colorado State University has passed a resolution urging the administration “to significantly reduce athletic program subsidies...