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Foreign Gift Investigations Expand and Intensify

With investigations of Harvard and Yale, Education Department steps up its inquiry into reporting of foreign gifts to universities -- and sends a message to other institutions.

A Shared Responsibility

Colleges and students are trying to find a middle ground between the increasing demands for mental health services and the rising costs of providing it.

New Leadership at Wayne State University Press

Troubled Wayne State University Press has appointed a new interim leader. Wayne State University faced criticism earlier this month after...

Michigan Investigating Allegations of Abuse by Former Team Doctor

The University of Michigan is investigating allegations of possible sexual misconduct by Robert Anderson, a former doctor for the university's...

New Federal Experiment on Private-Sector Work-Study

The U.S. Department of Education has granted waivers on federal aid rules to 190 institutions under a new initiative aimed...

OER Can Save Colleges Money, Too

A new study shows that open educational resources can help students save money, which encourages them to enroll in more...

Democratic Senators Oppose Religious Freedom Rule

The top Democrat on the Senate’s education committee and 15 other Democratic senators oppose U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s religious...

New Presidents or Provosts: Alverno College, Clark U, Estrella Mountain CC, Lakehead U, Simon Fraser U, Tusculum U, U of Chicago

David Barnett, interim provost and vice president, academic, at Lakehead University, in Ontario, has been named to the job on...