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Striking for COLA

UC Santa Cruz grad assistants strike for a living wage in their tough rental market, but the university says its hands are tied due to union contract.

Another Trump Budget, Likely DOA

Administration touts major boost in spending for career and technical education, but proposed cuts to student aid and core research programs draw colleges' ire.

Another Portland Institution Closes

Concordia University in Portland, Ore., announced it will be closing at the end of the spring semester. While the university had grown its graduate enrollment, it cited the changing nature of higher education as a reason for its closure.

Academic Minute: Friendships Matter for Students

Today on the Academic Minute, a Student Spotlight, Kevin Singer, a Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University, examines why...

Authors Oppose Firings at Wayne State University Press

Nearly 60 authors of books published by the Wayne State University Press have released a letter opposing the firings of...

University President Resigns After Prostitution Sting

The president of Jackson State University in Mississippi resigned Monday after being arrested in a prostitution sting that also saw...

Do Faculty Members Feel Respected at Work?

Newly released results of a survey of 1,900 faculty members by Gallup and Inside Higher Ed found that just 38...

College Major Related to Gender Wage Gap

A new working paper by professors at the University of Chicago and the University of California provides new insight into...