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Recognizing the Shortcomings of Resilience

Difficulties surmounting certain obstacles could, in fact, be indicators that a student should abandon a particular path and pursue something else, writes Danielle Carr Ramdath.

New Programs: Quantitative Economics, Health and Business, Writing

Eastern Michigan University is starting a bachelor of science in quantitative economics. Saint Joseph's University, in Pennsylvania, is starting an...

Ex-Student Allegedly Tried to Ask ISIS to Attack Deans

A Florida man, Salman Rashid, was charged with attempting to harm the deans at two Florida universities, reports The New...

BYU Idaho Retracts Earlier Medicaid Decision

Brigham Young University in Idaho has withdrawn and apologized for its decision earlier this month to not allow students to...

New Policy Group Focused on College and Careers

A new policy group is forming to develop state and local policy agendas that will help prepare students for college...

Study: Women Choose Less Lucrative Majors

Men and women who have the same preferences regarding a field of study still choose different majors, with men’s choices...

Study on Campus Carry Legislation

A new study analyzes the conditions that can contribute to the passage of campus carry legislation. For example, it found...

Academic Minute: 'Bad Indians' in Film

Today on the Academic Minute, a Student Spotlight, Anderson Hagler, a Ph.D. candidate in history at Duke University, examines the...