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COVID-19 Mortality and County-Level Partisan Divides

Do COVID death rates also fall along party lines? In today’s Academic Minute, Dylan H. Roby of the University of...

New Title IX Rules Get 235,000 Comments

A step forward or backward? Title IX public comments show deep divisions.

The Needs and Preferences of Fully Online Learners

Students who actively choose virtual programs because their work or family lives demand it are more satisfied with their online studies than they were before the pandemic, a new survey finds.

Report: Paid Internships Benefit Community College Students

A new report details the benefits of work-based learning opportunities at community colleges and some of the ways these programs...

COVID-19 Mortality and Where You Live: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Dylan H. Roby, associate professor of health, society and behavior at the University of California...

University of Vermont Under Investigation for Antisemitism

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is investigating a complaint that alleges the University of Vermont failed...

Free Speech and Anti-Blackness

If Carnegie Mellon values diverse views, it shouldn’t have condemned a Black professor’s tweet on Queen Elizabeth II’s death, write Branden D. Elmore and Dwayne K. Wright.

More Higher Ed Employees Lack Financial Confidence to Retire

More higher education employees in their 50s and 60s lack the financial confidence that they have enough money “to live...