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Much confusion has surrounded a shooting Friday night at the University of Washington, amid protests over the appearance there of Milo Yiannopoulos, the Breitbart writer whose inflammatory comments upset many on the campuses he visits. Initial reports said that a man who turned himself in as the shooter said he shot in self-defense when he thought he was going to be attacked by a white supremacist. This led many to assume that the shooter -- whose name has not been released -- was one of those protesting Yiannopoulos. But The Seattle Times reported that it is now known that the shooting victim was the critic of Yiannopoulos, and the man who was the shooter -- according to his social media posts -- is a fan of Yiannopoulos and President Trump. The man used social media to contact Yiannopoulos shortly before the shooting, asking for help replacing a "Make America Great Again" cap.