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Who Moved Your Cheese? I Did.

This year, I am giving a graduate I know the book, “I Moved Your Cheese: For those who refuse to live as mice in someone else’s maze,” by Deepak Malhotra at Harvard Business School. Published last year, it provides a Wall Street Journal best-selling answer to the question posed by the popular business book, “Who Moved My Cheese?”

Foundations of Strategy 4: Business Models

Since last week’s post, I’ve been thinking a lot about business models.

Marketing: Awareness + Engagement

Marketing requires a balance of promoting general brand awareness and engaging specific target market segments.

Foundations of Strategy, Part 3: Technology

Tom Friedman had an interesting quote in a recent NYT opinion piece: “Big breakthroughs happen when what is suddenly possible meets what is desperately necessary.” And so begins the third post in the series on “Foundations of Strategy.”

What’s the big idea? Part 1

It’s no secret that "innovation" has become a buzzword in education. Organizations are looking for new ideas to pursue, or inventive tweaks to existing products and services. Where do these innovative strokes of genius come from?

An Ending and a Beginning

Last night was the last session of the online Strategy and Competition in Higher Education (SCHE) course. That’s the ending. And it’s now been almost a week since edX was announced. That’s a very big beginning, and a great example of why we are both so optimistic about the future of higher education.

Supplemental Resource Creation: TED-Ed

TED brings us a tool to create our own video content, launched at the end of April: TED-Ed, “lessons worth sharing.” It seems like TED-Ed has successfully capitalized on an emerging ed tech formula of sorts – facilitating the production of content that is visually interesting, sharable, customizable, specific and engaging.

The Future of Public Higher Education?

I’m returning from the AACSB conference in San Diego and had the opportunity to attend several interesting sessions. One, in particular, stood out and echoed some of the “What Keeps Us Awake At Night” post from last week (and much of what we’ve been discussing in the Strategy and Competition in Higher Education class this semester).