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Ten Terrific Twitter Tools

I use Twitter a lot. I am actively engaged in using Twitter as my personal and professional learning network. As...

The best backchannels are active before, during, and after

Have you ever participated in a conference backchannel? Are you wondering what a backchannel is? A backchannel is the conversation...

#EDUCAUSE10 - The Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement of Women in Higher Education IT

I did not attend a lot of general sessions at #EDUCAUSE10. My schedule was set up in such a way...

Mobile apps at EDUCAUSE

It seemed like every company was demoing a mobile solution at this year's EDUCAUSE. A large number of booths featured...

An EDUCAUSE missionary: spreading the word about student affairs and technology

It is now day 3 at EDUCAUSE 2010. I've been to countless meetings, sat in on a few sessions, and...

#EDUCAUSE10 = Community

The folks running the EDUCAUSE 2010 Annual Conference (#EDUCAUSE10 if you're on Twitter) have done an amazing job of providing...

Exploding with awesomeness: The #SAchat

One of my favorite personal learning networks (PLN) is the #SAchat. Student Affairs practitioners gather every week to chat via...

OSU Flashmob Breaks Out In Front of the Student Union

What does this post have to do with student affairs and technology? That's a great question! For my first week...