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Columbia Sidelines Its Ragtag Marching Band

No one who favors the precision movements and excellent musicianship of Big Ten or HBCU bands would ever mistake Columbia...

Caltech Nets $750 Million Donation for Climate Studies

A couple who have made billions from agricultural products have pledged $750 million to the California Institute of Technology to...

Half of English Now Pursue a Higher Education

Then prime minister Tony Blair set a goal in 1999 that 50 percent of young people in England go on...

Alexander Releases Narrow Higher Ed Package

U.S. senator Lamar Alexander released a package of bills Thursday that would narrowly update the Higher Education Act, including how...

Academic Minute: Multi-Drug Resistance

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Toledo Week, Amit K. Tiwari, associate professor of pharmacology and experimental...

Professor Suspended Over 'Anger Translator' Video

The University of Central Florida suspended Kollbe Ahn, an assistant professor of chemistry, over online videos that he says are...

More on Economists' Climate Survey

The American Economic Association on Thursday released the final version of its climate survey report. Much of the information was...

Researchers Tackle Predatory Publisher Awareness

Texas Tech University academics have been awarded funding to create a training program helping scientists identify and avoid predatory publishers...