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UNC System Board Chair Stepping Down

The chair of the University of North Carolina system Board of Governors, Harry Smith, will step down from leading the...

Promise Scholarships Improve Enrollment and Retention

In recent years a growing number of college "promise" scholarships have popped up around the country. The scholarships cover some...

Possible NCAA Violations for University of Kansas

The National Collegiate Athletic Association has alleged that the University of Kansas violated some of the association's most serious rules...

Becker College Recalibrates Operating Budget

Becker College in Worcester, Mass., on Tuesday acknowledged taking personnel action to address its operating budget. The college, a small...

Academic Minute: Social Media and Sex Trafficking

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Toledo Week, Celia Williamson, professor of social work, examines how healthy...

UC Santa Cruz Historian Fired Over Sexual Misconduct

The University of California, Santa Cruz, fired Gopal Balakrishnan, a professor of history, following an investigation into his alleged sexual...

Iranian Students Report Last-Minute Visa Revocations

At least a dozen Iranian students who were headed to U.S. universities to start graduate programs in engineering and computer...

6% of Seminarians Report Sexual Harassment

Six percent of Roman Catholic seminarians say they have personally experienced some form of sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct at...