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Survey: 90% of Students Feel Unready to Repay Loans

A survey of roughly 90,000 students, most of whom attend four-year colleges, found that 90 percent of respondents feel they...

Feds Set Up Fake University, Arrest 21 for Visa Fraud

Federal agents set up a fake university as part of a sting operation that on Tuesday resulted in the arrests...

Hillsdale Didn't Laugh at Albion Paper's Joke Issue

The Albion Pleiad, the student newspaper at Albion College, does a joke issue on April Fool's Day, publishing as The...

U of Mississippi Distances From Antigay Law

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant on Tuesday signed what is being widely called one of the most antigay laws on the...

NLRB Rejects Tufts Medical Faculty Union Bid

A regional office of the National Labor Relations Board dismissed on Tuesday a petition from a group of tenure-line basic...

George Mason Tweaks Scalia Law School Name

George Mason University last week announced it was renaming its law school to honor Antonin Scalia, the late Supreme Court...

Columbia Students Oppose Henry Moore Sculpture

Columbia students are signing a petition and speaking out against plans to install a Henry Moore sculpture, "Reclining Figure" (at...

14.7% Gain in In-State Admissions Offers by U of California

The University of California announced Monday that undergraduate admissions offers to California residents are up 14.7 percent over last year...