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Academic Minute: Unlocking the Mysterious Isle

Today on the Academic Minute, Tobin Porterfield, associate professor in the department of eBusiness and technology management at Towson University...

Students Occupy President's Office at Providence

A group of students, many of them black, occupied the president's office at Providence College for much of Tuesday. They...

Manitoba Ed School Keeps 45% of Spots for Diversity

The University of Manitoba has announced that its Senate has approved a plan to reserve 45 percent of the slots...

4 Hospitalized, 2 Arrested Over LSD at Villanova

Four students at Villanova University were hospitalized over the weekend and two were arrested over the apparent use of LSD...

Academic Minute: Evolutionary Timescales

Today on the Academic Minute, Emily Lescak, postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alaska at Anchorage, examines how one freshwater...

Arrest of Student Leader Sparks Protests in India

Thousands of students and professors across India are protesting after the president of the student union at Jawaharlal Nehru University...

Melissa Click Under New Scrutiny

Melissa Click, the controversial (and now suspended) assistant professor of communications at the University of Missouri at Columbia, is facing...

Purdue Staffer Quits Amid Furor Over Online Comments

Jamie Newman quit his job as an accompanist for the dance program at Purdue University amid an uproar over comments...