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U.S. Agencies Impose Penalties on Higher One

The Federal Reserve Board and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. last month ordered Higher One to repay millions of dollars to...

AAAS Won't Consider UCLA Professor as Fellow

The American Association for the Advancement of Science announced in December that its chemistry division has withdrawn the nomination of...

Apparent Impasse Over Hijab-Wearing Professor

Wheaton College, a Christian institution in Illinois, and Larycia Hawkins, a tenured faculty member in political science, are apparently at...

NLRB Accepts Columbia TA Union Case

The National Labor Relations Board in December agreed to consider whether graduate students at Columbia University are entitled to unionize...

New Hampshire Court Upholds Professor's Firing

The New Hampshire Supreme Court in December upheld the University of New Hampshire's 2013 firing of Marco Dorfsman, an associate...

Chicago Police Shoot and Kill Northern Illinois Student

Quintonio Legrier, 19, an engineering student at Northern Illinois University, was shot and killed last month by Chicago police officers...

Spending by CC of San Francisco Officials Questioned

Administrators at City College of San Francisco, where cuts to academic programs remain controversial, have been spending significant sums on...

Academic Minute Annual Awards

The following podcasts have won the Academic Minute's awards for 2015 (and, belatedly, for 2014). Congratulations to: Mitchell Grayson of...