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Faculty Committee Sides With Accused Professor

An appeals committee of the Ohio University faculty recommended against the termination of their colleague Yusuf Kalyango, according to The...

Education Department Disproportionally Selected Black, Hispanic Students for Audit

The U.S. Department of Education disproportionately selected Black and Hispanic students for financial aid audits over the last decade, The...

House Strips Marjorie Taylor Greene of Committee Assignments

The House of Representatives voted Thursday to remove Republican representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from her assignments on the education and...

Florida Professor Charged With Concealing China Ties From NIH

A former University of Florida professor was indicted for allegedly concealing information related to a Chinese company he founded and...

Academic Minute: Markets and Social Justice

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Scripps College Week: Nancy Neiman, the Mary Wig Johnson Professor of Teaching, explains...

Report Outlines Barriers to Education for Formerly Incarcerated in Calif.

Of the 650,000 Californians who are incarcerated, on parole or on probation, fewer than 20,000 are enrolled in some form...

Old Dominion Violated Disability Law, DOJ Finds

The United States Department of Justice and Old Dominion University settled a disability discrimination complaint brought by a graduate student...

Tenure Denials Reported at Southwest Baptist

The board of Southwest Baptist University, in Missouri, rejected three faculty members up for tenure and two up for promotion...