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Survey: College Plans Vary by Race, Tech Access

Nonwhite parents in Massachusetts who have less access to technology are more likely to say their high school children's college...

New Data on Academic Freedom and Financial Exigency Policies

The American Association of University Professors today released a new kind of diagnostic tool for assessing institutions’ academic freedom. The...

Judge Orders Full Restoration of DACA

A federal judge ordered the government to restore the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program “to its pre-September 5, 2017...

Judge Rebukes U of Michigan Over Sexual Abuse Investigation

A federal judge rebuked the University of Michigan for failing to send President Mark S. Schlissel to her courtroom to...

Peralta CC Chancellor Resigns, Levies Allegations Against Board

The chancellor of Peralta Community College District, in California, resigned less than one year into the job and issued a...

Academic Minute: Captive Animals

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Kennesaw State University Week, Allison M. Martin, assistant professor of psychology, looks into...

Trump Administration Rejects New DACA Applications

The Trump administration is refusing to process new applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program despite a Supreme...

Louisville Dept. Chair Refutes Conduct Violation

Ricky Jones, chair of the Pan-African studies department at the University of Louisville, said he was investigated by the university...