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College Volleyball Players Kneel During Israeli Anthem

Two members of the volleyball team at Brooklyn College took a knee during the playing of the Israeli national anthem...

Professor Charged With Making False Statements on Ties to China

Anming Hu, an associate professor of mechanical, aerospace and biomedical engineering at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, was arrested...

Academic Minute: Inequality in the Justice System

Today on the Academic Minute, Michael DeValve, assistant professor in the department of criminal justice at Bridgewater State University, explores continuing failures of the justice system.

Wesley College Gives Preliminary Approval to Merger

Wesley College, a financially struggling college in Delaware, and another college have given preliminary approval to a merger, WBOC News...

States Narrow Gaps in Completion Rates

Six-year completion rates across nearly all states are rising, and gaps among them are narrowing, according to newly released data...

UC Santa Cruz Strike Spreads

The University of California, Santa Cruz’s ongoing graduate employee strike over a requested cost of living adjustment spread to two...

Education Department Creates Coronavirus Task Force

Betsy DeVos, the U.S. secretary of education, announced Thursday that the Education Department is creating a task force to prepare...

Report Challenges Value of Textbook Auto-Billing

Contracts between colleges and publishers allowing students to be automatically billed for course materials as part of their college fees...