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A University of Florida assistant football coach was suspended after visiting and speaking with a prospect earlier than National Collegiate Athletic Association rules allow, the N.C.A.A. announced Friday. At the time, the player was a junior in high school. The coach spoke with the prospect outside of his high school last January and received his social media contact information.

"The former coach was able to have personal contact to get the prospect's contact information at a time when coaches who were following the rules were unable to have the same level of contact," Eleanor Myers, the chief hearing officer in the case and a law professor at Temple University, said during a press call.

The university decided to suspend the assistant coach and to end the recruitment of the player. While the N.C.A.A. said it will not impose any additional penalties, the infraction report noted that the coach's actions were "illustrative of a significant problem of football coaches skirting N.C.A.A. legislation."