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Alex Morey of FIRE

This week’s episode of the Syllabus podcast features a conversation with Alex Morey, director of campus rights advocacy at FIRE.

Parents and Mentors Perceive Less Chess Potential in Girls

Women still face discrimination in certain competitive games today. In today’s Academic Minute, New York University’s Andrei Cimpian explores one example.

Understanding Artificial Versus Human Intelligence

What does a platypus have to do with artificial intelligence? In today’s Academic Minute, Texas Woman’s University’s Daniel Ernst explains.

Can Bad Be Good? The Attraction of a Darker Self

How do we view our shadow self without worrying about what it shows us? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Iowa’s Rebecca Krause-Galoni says fiction can play a helpful role.

Sexism and Ambiguity

Gender discrimination isn’t always black and white. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Toronto’s Laura Doering examines why some experiences may lead to ambiguityand what to do about it.

Gentle Parenting Is Not So Gentle on Parents

Some parenting styles aren’t for everyone. In today’s Academic Minute, Macalester College’s Annie Pezalla looks into one.

The Secret Recipe for Super Bowl Ads

The Super Bowl is the one time everyone watches the commercials. In today’s Academic Minute, Boise State University’s Niusha Jones discusses the qualities behind the ones that become our favorites.

Why Gödel Believed in an Afterlife

Whether there’s an afterlife is one of the big questions for humanity. In today’s Academic Minute, the Institute for Advanced Study’s Andrew Englert explores what one great logician thought.