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MOOCs are good for you.

MOOCs are bad for you.

MOOCs will revolutionize education.

MOOCs are a combination of “Sunrise Semester” and old-fashioned slide shows.

Graduation rates are abysmal.

Graduation rates are actually O.K.

Colleges and universities need to drop sports.

Colleges and universities need to turn athletics into degree programs.

Everyone should go to college.

College is not for everyone.

Student learning is negligible.

Colleges are increasing the number of accelerated courses.

Traditional publishing houses are in financial trouble.

Lena Dunham received an advance of 3.7 million for her book Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She’s Learned.

The average full-time instructor at a small liberal-arts college must work for one full academic year to earn the equivalent of Lena Dunham’s pay for a single sentence of her forthcoming book. (An adjunct’s pay per course is the equivalent of the going Dunham rate for a punctuation mark.)

Feminism is dead.

Film is dead.

Women had their best year in films in decades.

The liberal arts are dead.

The liberal arts are alive (at least in Australia and China).

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