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Off the Mat and Into the World

What does yoga have to do with teaching in a college classroom? A lot, writes Karen Costa.

The Devil Is in the Details

Hillary Clinton's and Bernie Sanders's higher education plans have very real and significant differences, argues Robert Samuels.

Fish Tales

Scott McLemee reviews a new biography on the scholar Stanley Fish, who, if he wrote a book of career advice, could title it The Art of the Deal.

Excessive and Exploitative Demands

There is probably no more significant roadblock for college athletes seeking a meaningful education than the unreasonable amount of time they must engage in practice and other athletics-related activities, argue Allen Sack and Gerald Gurney.

The Myth of the College-Ready Student

Higher education institutions must abandon a paradigm that allows them to deflect accountability and embrace the burden of being student ready, argues Byron P. White.

Learning From a Typewriter?

An old-fashioned physical object can create a surprisingly meaningful pedagogical moment in a classroom, writes Jared Berezin.

A Shared Vision for Faculty

Key stakeholders all across higher education -- including boards, policy makers, administrators at all levels, faculty of all types, disciplinary societies, and unions -- increasingly have one. It's time to make it a reality, argues Adrianna Kezar.

The Popeye Paradox

As a metaphor, the cartoon character provides perhaps rather surprising insight into how underrepresented students can experience college, writes Denise Anthony.