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Taking Male Students Seriously

As too many male students fail to enroll or succeed in higher education, writes Rocco L. Capraro, the ideas of men's studies point to a path forward.

Holding On to What We've Got

With its retention rate tumbling, U of All People brainstorms about some ideas to keep its students happy (or captive). David Galef recounts.

Merger Causes and Consequences

Susan Resneck Pierce considers the questions college leaders need to ask.

The History Manifesto

A new book challenges historians to quit studying the past through a microscope. Scott McLemee takes a look through the binoculars.

Good Intentions, Bad Legislation

When it comes to innovation, the TEACH Act will hurt students, write Terry W. Hartle and Jarret S. Cummings.

Bad Break

Scotland's universities stand to lose if they find themselves outside the United Kingdom, writes Christopher R. Marsicano. And academics elsewhere should take note of how that issue has captured little attention in the independence campaign.

Where's the Fourth Estate?

Reporters too rarely cast a skeptical eye on proposals and buzzwords that promise change and promote innovation in higher education, Bernard Fryshman argues.

Jell-O Molds and Cigarettes

As CVS stops selling cigarettes, and more universities get into the Jell-O mold business, Ryan Craig wonders when universities will stop trying to be all things to all people.