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A Qualified Yes on Unit Records

We need a better national data system about college students, but it needs to be designed to put numbers in context and to avoid holding colleges accountable for things they can't control, writes Paul LeBlanc.

On Your Marks

To try to improve the well-being of its students, U of All People crafts an academic triathlon. David Galef weighs in.

de Man Overboard!

A new biography of the most influential literary theorist of his generation looks into his dark past. Scott McLemee thinks it's a scandal.

Talk About Class

Colleges that want first-generation college students to thrive need to talk -- in supportive ways -- about the realities of social class in America and in higher education, write Nicole M. Stephens, MarYam G. Hamedani and Mesmin Destin.

A First Step

Representative Mark Takano writes that the administration's new proposals are positive, but don't go far enough in cracking down on poorly performing for-profit colleges.

Building Walls to the Middle Class

The Education Department's gainful employment regulations are an attack on for-profit institutions and their students, writes Steve Gunderson.

Collaboration, Not Competition

Arguments that state higher education systems constrain flagship universities miss the point: public universities best serve their states and students when they work in unison, Nancy Zimpher argues.

Why We Need College Ratings

We must give students and families the right kind of information -- about multiple factors, and not blended into a single institutional rating -- about one of the most expensive purchases they will ever make, writes Carrie Warick.